< The Digital Decline: How Social Networks Have Succumbed to Enshittification

Take Back Your Social Media

Understanding the Steps of Enshittification

Platforms don't deteriorate overnight—it's a gradual process that unfolds in distinct stages. By recognizing these steps, you can see how user-focused platforms slowly transform into profit-driven machines, often at the cost of the user experience.

  1. The Honeymoon Phase: In the early days, platforms are all about attracting users. Features are user-focused, and the experience feels organic and authentic. The goal is to grow the user base by offering something truly valuable—whether it’s a sense of community, creativity, or connection.
  2. Monetization Begins: Once the user base reaches a critical mass, the focus shifts to monetization. Ads start appearing, and the platform begins to collect more data to drive revenue. Users start noticing subtle changes, but they’re often willing to overlook them because the platform still offers value.
  3. The Algorithm Takes Over: As the platform continues to optimize for profit, algorithms become more aggressive. They prioritize content that drives the most ad revenue, often pushing divisive or sensational material. The user experience starts to degrade, and many begin to feel manipulated.
  4. The User Exodus: Eventually, the platform becomes so focused on profit that it alienates its core users. The original value proposition is lost, and users start leaving in search of alternatives. The platform tries to win them back with new features or changes, but the damage is done.

Discover SpeakBits: Your Social Media Reimagined

At SpeakBits, we’ve learned from the mistakes of other platforms. We believe in keeping the focus on what truly matters: authentic connections, meaningful discussions, and a user experience free from manipulation and exploitation. SpeakBits is designed to prioritize people over profit, ensuring that your social media experience remains enriching and trustworthy.

Are you ready to take back your social media?

Join a community that values your voice and your privacy. SpeakBits is built with a commitment to transparency and user-centric design, so you never have to worry about enshittification taking hold. Whether you're sharing ideas, asking questions, or engaging with others, SpeakBits ensures that your experience is as it should be—about you.Join SpeakBits Today!

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