< The Digital Decline: How Social Networks Have Succumbed to Enshittification

Take Back Your Social Media

Facebook: From Connecting People to Controlling Them

Facebook began as a revolutionary platform, promising to bring the world closer together. Over time, however, the platform has drifted far from its original mission, prioritizing profit over people.

Enter SpeakBits: A genuine social media community

At SpeakBits, we reject the notion that social media should manipulate or exploit its users. Our platform is designed to foster genuine connections, free from the algorithms that prioritize profit over people. We believe in transparency, privacy, and user control. At SpeakBits, your data belongs to you, and your feed is shaped by your interests—not by what’s most profitable for advertisers. We’re building a platform where you can reconnect with what matters: your friends, your interests, and your community.

Are you ready to take back your social media?

If you’re tired of being manipulated and exploited by the very platform that’s supposed to connect you with others, it’s time to make a change. Take back control of your social media experience. Reclaim your digital life with a platform that respects your privacy, your choices, and your connections.Join SpeakBits Today!

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